risk management solutions, compliance solution, kyc verification - KYC Portal CLM

Automated Custom Risk Scoring

Fully dynamic risk engine allowing you to define any aspect of risk both regulatory and internal risk appetite.

The ever-present dependence on individual subjective assessments and inherent bias is totally eliminated from the on-boarding process thanks to KYC Portal’s risk assessment module. This module allows the compliance team to be able to define the perception of risk based on low, medium, high and extreme.

Displayed as a central, graphical counter, KYCP returns the application completion progress, individual and overall scoring based on fully bespoke, risk appetite-driven rules.

These figures are in turn translated into a 4-colour red, amber, orange and green indicators, based on percentile bands associated with extreme, high, medium or low risk.

The visual dashboard output, combined with completion stage indicators allows for instant verification of individual entities and the overall assessment based on internal and programme-based policies.

See the full detail of how the risk engine works with a video walk-through of the actual product in our Due Diligence Community section.

How does KYCP calculate risk in real time - CLICK HERE

How to customise your risk engine in KYCP - CLICK HERE

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