risk management solutions, compliance solution, kyc verification - KYC Portal CLM
Following client feedback, KYC Portal (KYCP) has integrated its platform with GBG. Through the use of APIs, the integration will enable further enhancements to KYC Portal via automated push and pull data requests from GBG.

The integration will reduce the need for manual intervention involved in screening a subject, while meeting the needs of compliance team by producing an audit trail. Additionally, it will simplify the workflow for the user by conducting the entire process through the one platform.

The integration with GBG has provided clients with multiple benefits including, but not limited to, the following functionality:
  • Manual search
    The manual search functionality within the KYCP allows the user to extract all available data on a subject by submitting a call to the API of GBG. If a number of matches are returned these are presented to the user, within the same interface of the KYCP through automated alerts, meaning the agent only needs to use the one system. These results include photos, personal details, political positions, adverse media and much more. The user can select the correct match and determine the false positives at any point in time. All activity against the subject is instantly recorded within the system by user, date and time.

  • Automated search
    An all-time favourite when dealing with a large volume of subjects. Clients can opt to submit a subject to the GBG database automatically once it has been added to the KYCP without having to manually trigger a search. This eliminates the need for manual searching, and therefore improves time efficiency and ensures that all subjects are searched. If a match is found on the submitted record,KYCP will send a notification to the respective teams so the results can be checked manually. All of these actions are also instantly audited against the subject.

  • On-going monitoring
    Via the API, GBG allows KYCP to hook up for on-going monitoring. This will allow KYCP to ensure that all subject information within the system is updated on a daily basis. If an alert appears, KYCP will raise a notification to the respective team for action on the process flow.

  • Automated Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)
    An automated EDD process has been integrated for clients. Within KYCP the client is able to define the entire regulatory process including setting the risk scoring criteria on the input data. The client is also able to tailor the workflow and automatically request an EDD report from GBG, when a certain risk score is reached. Once the EDD report has been finalised by GBG, KYCP will automatically contact the compliance team to notify them that the report has been filed against the subject, with a full audit trail.
** Vendor supplied text
GBG, the global identity specialist provides various services including global address validation, email and mobile validation, Global electronic identity verification including PEPs, Sanctions, Adverse Media, Document Verification, Age Verification, AML checks, Enhanced Due Diligence reports etc, Ongoing monitoring services, Fraud Bureau, Tracing and investigating, Transaction and behaviour monitoring, Document scanning and facial recognition, Data cleansing.

Further detail about their services can be found here.
KYC Portal CLM is agnostic to third-party data providers. The solution can be integrated with any third-party of choice and it’s up to each client to decide which screening data provider/s they wish to integrate with their instance of KYCP.
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