The term KYC is often associated to the data processes of checking subjects against online databases for Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), Sanctions and Adverse Media. A step which is crucial in conducting "know your client" processes however definitely not the only one.
The process of knowing your customer is a journey that starts off when you on-board the subject first time round and lasts all throughout the relationship that you have with your subjects. A process that entails documents, questionnaires, analysis of risk, checking of feedback and endless communication with subjects (especially when it comes to corporate and B2B relationships). The KYC process is also based on the on-going reviews and constantly being aware of what risk you are being exposed to based on what your subjects are doing.
All of the above leads to endless internal processes which are usually based on manual efforts. This is what KYC Portal addresses - the entire due diligence process from end-to-end. From easing the customer communication throughout on-boarding processes to automating risk assessment and action alerts based on the on-going relationship with subjects. Too much to explain? Here is a short video that takes you through the entire feature set of KYC Portal in less than 5 minutes.