risk management solutions, compliance solution, kyc verification - KYC Portal CLM
KYC Portal CLM is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with StartKYC, a specialist in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) screening. This integration empowers businesses to streamline their compliance processes and enhance their ability to identify and mitigate financial crime risks.

Enhanced AML Screening Capabilities

StartKYC offers a robust and user-friendly platform for Know Your Customer (KYC) screening, specifically focusing on AML compliance.  Its core functionalities include:
- PEP, Sanctions, Law and Regulatory Enforcement, International Watch lists Screening: identify potential risks associated with your business activities by screening counterparts against worldwide databases.
- Adverse Media Screening: Uncover negative media coverage that could indicate potential reputational or financial risks.
- Automated Ongoing Monitoring: Receive automatic alerts if the status of an individual or company under monitoring changes, ensuring continuous compliance.
The integration between KYC Portal and StartKYC was kicked off through a request of a precious metal refinery in South Africa. Once integrated, it allows users to seamlessly conduct AML screening directly within the KYC Portal platform. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and streamlines the overall compliance process.
StartKYC's unique pay-as-you-go pricing model provides cost-effective access to these critical AML screening services. Businesses only pay for the searches they need, making it ideal for companies of all sizes.
StartKYC, a company founded by Maltese professionals, is renowned for its exceptional customer support. Their team is dedicated to assisting clients with even the most complex inquiries, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience. StartKYC prioritises best-in-class service and recognises the criticality of accurate data. To achieve this, StartKYC leverages a global network of Tier 1 data providers for their screening processes. This ensures comprehensive worldwide coverage and is further strengthened by utilising multiple sources for sanctions checks, with near real-time updates. 
StartKYC demonstrates a continuous improvement ethos, actively incorporating new data sources, updating technology, and incorporating client feedback to ensure their product remains aligned with evolving customer needs.
"We are thrilled to partner with StartKYC" says Nickii Mallia, Business Development Manager at KYC Portal CLM. "Their expertise in AML screening, combined with their commitment to exceptional customer service, perfectly aligns with our mission to empower businesses with robust and user-friendly compliance solutions."
For more information on StartKYC, you can visit their website here.  
KYC Portal CLM is agnostic to third-party data providers. The solution can be integrated with any third-party of choice and it’s up to each client to decide which screening data provider/s they wish to integrate with their instance of KYCP.
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