
Automation of KYC processes – ARIE Finance Case Study

July 05, 2021

Financial institutions are helping us reshape the approach to compliance processes by adopting as much technology and automation as they can into their business model. A great example for this is ARIE Finance . Here is a case study on how they are using KYC Portal to “accelerate the on-boarding process for our corporate clients, while complying with the highest standards of regulatory requirements around the world.” – Aisha Sudally, Managing Director.

One thing that has been made very clear to us over these past couple of years, is that many organisations are looking for more ways to incorporate technology and automation in their process flows. 
With the “ever-increasing list of compliance requirements and requests for growingly detailed filings during the “Know your Client (KYC)” process”, it is proving to be even more tedious, and therefore increases risk exposure  when handled manually. This also makes the whole process timely and labour intensive. KYC Portal focuses on reducing the reliance on manual processes and actions, reducing your cost to market and also the risk exposure  to mere hours instead of weeks or months due to the real-time view on risk. One of the biggest advantages that KYC Portal brings to the table is the peace of mind that your reputation is safe guarded and that data, both for newly on-boarded and previously approved customers, is perfectly in line with internal risk procedures, totally compliant with regulatory requirements and up-to-date at all times.
“According to Artesian, it takes an average of 32 days to on-board a new customer, requiring approximately 8 different interactions during the process. In our experience, it can sometimes be significantly longer than this for companies with complex structures and significant cross border businesses,” Commented Sudally.  When ARIE Finance first spoke with the KYC Portal team, this issue was one of their main priorities to solve and it was our customer outreach and on-boarding features that attracted them to KYC Portal. “This combination of high technology and customer service is central to ARIE Finance’s entire philosophy.”
ARIE Finance has built their own modular banking platform and is now fully integrated with KYC Portal. ARIE Finance refer to KYC Portal as one of the ”key technology bricks from leading 3rd-party providers, all seamlessly connected via APIs. The result is an automated process built to effectively and efficiently manage the complexity of differing regulatory requirements in key financial centres around the world.”
KYC Portal CLM - GRC automationAnother feature that attracted ARIE Finance to KYC Portal was our automated customer risk scoring solution. KYC Portal is equipped with a fully dynamic risk engine, allowing you to define any aspect of risk to meet both  regulatory and internal risk appetites. KYC Portal’s automated risk assessment is constantly monitoring the risk on all subjects. Based on all the considerations and criteria that you have fed into the system, and in real time, it is instantly alerting the compliance team when the organisation is exposed.  
“Our on-boarding process utilizes a complex system of algorithms which combine different global regulatory requirements and our own bespoke risk scoring process. This risk scoring is updated in real-time as changes occur in the clients’ profiles. As a result ,we can on-board low-risk complex corporate clients in a matter of days.”
As a digital native bank ARIE Finance is committed to being part of a future where KYC information is exchanged seamlessly and in real time, around the world. We are proud to have ARIE Finance as one of our esteemed clients and that KYC Portal  is helping them achieve a seamless on-boarding experience whilst also improving the overall client lifecycle management for their customers.
For more info contact us directly on or schedule your live demo with us today.  
Targeted For Financial Services, Banking
Status LIVE
Keywords case study, kyc portal, automation, on-boarding
Direct Benefits Accelerate on-boarding process for corporate clients.