Friday, March 14, 2025
As a first step to fully automating its Anti-Money Laundering (AML) processes, MAPFRE MSV Life issued a rigorous and comprehensive Request for Proposal (RFP) in August 2022. This set out detailed AML and technology requirements, and was supported by a thorough due diligence exercise on the participating vendors. The objective was to invest in a system that could support the enhancement of existing AML processes, and seamlessly adapt to the advanced Customer Risk Assessment (CRA) needs aimed at providing a better understanding of customer risk.
Friday, February 21, 2025
One of the most time consuming tasks within the management of complex structures is that of building the relationship of all parties within the structure in relation to the root entity. A task that is usually managed by human beings making it a lengthy task and prone to error. KYC Portal is helping our clients simplify this process with a click of a button and also validating the data being input.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
One of the most important features in KYCP is the ability to USE FROM EXISTING. A feature that allows you to centralise a subject across multiple involvements. The benefit of which is that of avoiding duplicate data entries and checks on the same subject across applications.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
The data in KYCP is all stored in Applications. Applications are similar to the concept of a CASE FILE whereby all the information relating to the subject (be it an individual or a legal entity) is stored and visualised in a central location including all the related parties, data and documentation. One of the elements that is also dynamic in KYCP is the list of fields / data points for each type of entity.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
One of the most crucial elements in KYCP is the ability to re-use and share data of subjects between applications. The innate nature of such KYC processes leads to subjects (be it individuals as well as legal entities) having multiple involvements across structures and services. This often leads to duplication of data and work.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
The data in KYCP is all stored in Applications. Applications are similar to the concept of a CASE FILE whereby all the information relating to the subject (be it an individual or a legal entity) is stored and visualised in a central location including all the related parties, data and documentation.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Up until recently the 2FA feature within KYCP was only possible by either receiving an SMS or through the use of an authentication application (APP). This new feature allows a client to decide if they would like to also offer the option of 2FA via email.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
One of the means that a user has to conduct 2FA is the use of the AUTHY application. This is an application that the user would need to download to their personal mobile device to be able to register their mobile number and access KYCP securely.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
The data in KYCP is all stored in Applications. Applications are similar to the concept of a CASE FILE whereby all the information relating to the subject (be it an individual or a legal entity) is stored and visualised in a central location including all the related parties, data and documentation.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
The concept of an APPLICATION in KYC Portal is the living case file of a client or counterparty. This is the record that is created at onboarding stage and updated in real time all throughout the ongoing lifecycle with a subject, centralising the entire governance, risk and control (GRC) process of a subject.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
One of the most important elements in governance, risk and control processes is the real time availability of data sets to ensure that you are not being exposed to risk. Data sets could be both provided from third-parties such as screening data on PEP exposure, sanctions, credit risk and adverse media but also from internal data sets of subjects built over a number of years.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
The NOTES panel in KYCP stores a detailed tamper proof audit of all actions conducted within an application or entity. This audit helps in ensuring the integrity of the due diligence process on any application all throughout the lifecycle of a counterpart.
Thursday, April 25, 2024
The STATUS module in KYC Portal allows users to be able to create and design the workflow of their due diligence process.
Friday, November 10, 2023
The Notifications panel in KYC Portal CLM is a very valuable module that shows the compliance team all the elements that need the attention of a human being. This panel allows teams to act on the most pressing matters in the solution. It provides a means to allocate tasks across teams and specific users to handle the workload accordingly.
Friday, November 10, 2023
The documents panel in KYCP allows users to add documents and link them to entities. The document management module allows you to upload various types of documents including PDF, Office documents, emails and images. This new module within the documents panel allows a user with the respective rights to be able to download multiple documents in bulk.
Friday, November 10, 2023
The documents panel in KYCP allows users to add documents and link them to entities. The document management module allows you to upload various types of documents including PDF, Office documents, emails and images. This new feature allows the grouping of document types based on the business requirement.
Friday, November 10, 2023
The documents panel in KYCP allows users to add documents and link them to entities. The document management module allows you to upload various types of documents including PDF, Office documents, emails and images. This new feature within the documents panel allows the user to upload new versions of a document, allowing you to keep the actual historical audit of a document (such as expired passports).
Friday, November 10, 2023
The documents panel in KYCP allows users to add documents and link them to entities. The document management module allows you to upload various types of documents including PDF, Office documents, emails and images. This module is used to upload all sorts of documents related to a subject, be it for natural persons as well as legal entities.
Friday, November 10, 2023
KYC Portal CLM integrates with third parties that provide screening data relating to political exposure, adverse media and sanctions. It is up to the client to decide which third parties to integrate with their KYCP allowing them to keep their existing contracts in place. Such integration with KYCP leads to a lot of business benefit as well as room for efficiencies and automated processes to reduce risk exposure.
Friday, November 10, 2023
One of the core components in KYC Portal CLM is the workflow engine. An engine that allows the users to create and manage the entire lifecycle of an application from onboarding all throughout the ongoing aspect of a relationship with a counterparty. The workflow allows the client to setup a “living” record of a counterparty, automating and centralising all the aspects of data be it populated internally, manually, by the customer or even through third party sources.
Monday, July 24, 2023
KYC Portal CLM is built bearing the single customer view in mind. The ability to collate the data, documents, questionnaires and screening data for a subject once, irrespective of how many times that subject is involved under different structures and services. This leads to reduced costs of managing duplicate data and documents, but also leads to a faster onboarding rate since the same subject is not required to upload the same information multiple times.
Monday, July 24, 2023
Subject outreach happens all throughout the lifecycle of a relationship with a counterparty. Separate from the obvious onboarding process, once a subject is onboarded and active, outreach happens all throughout the lifecycle both on individuals as well as corporate relationships. Embedding this outreach within the due diligence lifecycle tool is crucial both for audit purposes but mostly for commercial efficiencies.
Monday, July 24, 2023
The central console of an application is one of the key features in KYCP, a screen that shows all the elements that are required on a subject. Be it an individual or a corporate relationship you are dealing with, the central console of compliance shows the entire orchestrated dataset, giving the team the ability to work on an application in the most efficient way.
Monday, July 24, 2023
One of the most crucial elements in the orchestration of data within KYC Portal is the ability to integrate the third party sources that provide screening data for PEPs, Sanctions and Adverse Media. The new feature is focused on allowing even further flexibility in the integration with such providers to achieve further benefit in internal efficiencies.
Friday, May 26, 2023
One of the main remits as to why organisations approach KYC Portal is to streamline their customer risk assessment and have an overview of the AML risk across their client database. Having a proper CRA in place is an essential process for a more accurate analysis of the potential risks that a new customer might bring. The obligation of KYC and due diligence is one of the most expensive parts of the overall process of knowing your client or any other B2B relationship such as suppliers and operators. Streamlining this process leads to increased efficiencies across the board.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
In this article we explain the level of efficiency that KYCP has managed to achieve based on use cases of our current clients. These measures were calculated and are based on a total of 54 use cases studied in active live scenarios, across 16 jurisdictions in 5 continents therefore even addressing different regulatory bodies and different perceptions of what risk is. The industries covered in these use cases are Fiduciary Services, such as fund and trust management, Capital Markets including investment and depositary and Asset & Wealth Management.
Thursday, March 30, 2023
KYC Portal has an embedded feature that allows you to use the concept of a single customer view. This is the ability to re-use an entity (be it legal or natural person) across structures of counterparties as well as across services offered by the institution.
Friday, March 10, 2023
Verification using biometric facial recognition is becoming an increasingly popular part of the customer onboarding and ongoing process. The COVID-19 pandemic exponentiated the issue of having to meet a high-risk client face-to-face due to lockdowns and restrictions. This led to extra due diligence efforts to be able to adhere to regulatory requirements. This is where KYC Portal came in handy and quickly became a must-have product for many organisations which allowed them to continue working remotely and seamlessly and achieve the “met face-to-face” requirement.
Thursday, February 2, 2023
All our customers integrate their preferred third-party screening provider for PEPs, Sanctions and Adverse Media in order to achieve full automation of processes and a centralized view of their entire due diligence process on counterparties.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
There are two types of programmes in KYC Portal CLM, the standard programme called KYC (focused on the due diligence side of an application) as well as the Case Manager type of programme. This focuses on creating a different view or subset of data, linked to a KYC application, but which set of data does not relate to the KYC process itself. This allows you to create an entire new set of data and document requirements for an application, which data can be managed by a set of users who do not have access to view the respective KYC record.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
One of the most important aspects of reporting in KYC Portal CLM is the real time Dashboard. This is a static view of the real time data in KYC Portal CLM showing various collections of data in different formats.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Almost all of our clients integrate their preferred third-party screening service provider into their KYC Portal CLM for added automation within the overall lifecycle. Integrating such third parties adds a lot of value to the overall lifecycle of counterparties as the compliance team get to use one system for the overall process from onboarding all throughout the ongoing relationship with subjects.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
In KYC Portal CLM, when you create the types of Entities that you want to use in the solution you need to define the CATEGORY of each entity, whether the Entity is a Natural Person or a Legal Entity.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
One of the most important features in KYC Portal CLM to maintain the concept of a single customer record, is the USE FROM EXISTING.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
The NOTES section of any application in KYC Portal CLM keeps the full historical audit trail of an entity or an application. Anything that happened on a subject would be recorded as a NOTE within this section of the application screen.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
KYC Portal CLM has an embedded report designer that allows you to create any number of reports and then be able to design and manage the entire configuration of the report itself. This designer is very flexible allowing you to create any type of report on any field, status, entity type, document or any other feature that you would have configured yourself in the solution.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
The entire lifecycle within KYC Portal CLM is dynamic. It can be created and managed by any administrator through the Configuration Studio using the STATUS module. This module allows for the creation of each status including the name, the icon, the type of the status itself as well as the permutations of what other statuses an application can go to from the current one.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
The Scoring module in KYC Portal CLM is all dynamic, allowing users to create risk value on fields with weighting, grouping and much more. Users can define and manage risk parameters in real time allowing for a real time risk assessment of all subjects in the system.
Monday, January 23, 2023
KYC Portal CLM comes packaged with 15 risk algorithms. These algorithms were built based on client demand catering for all our clients across the globe, working in different industries and operating in over 18 jurisdictions. The risk algorithms address the specific requirements of all our clients yet we keep adding new risk models when a client does it in a slightly different manner.
Monday, January 23, 2023
KYC Portal CLM’s automated risk assessment module is calculating risk in real time on all subjects as well as on all the real time data points. KYC Portal CLM however also allows you to decide who (in your organisation) has the right to override risk.
Monday, January 23, 2023
KYC Portal CLM allows your operations and compliance teams to build and manage all the forms within the system. Both for internal use as well as the forms that are made available to the customers via the inbuilt outreach modules are entirely dynamic and configurable in real time.
Monday, January 23, 2023
KYC Portal is a dynamic lifecycle management platform that allows for any type of service offered including vendor management, supplier due diligence, client and corporate onboarding and much more.
Thursday, July 14, 2022
The Historical AI Engine is an optional module in KYC Portal that stores and audits all historical actions within the system at application, entity and field level. A tool that is able to track the entire history of an application's lifetime including the actions that the teams are taking on the application based on risk. This enables KYCP to adopt intelligence on such decisions that were taken in the past to present information which is invaluable when it comes to understanding the way internal processes can be improved and how much due diligence is costing the organisation.
Thursday, July 14, 2022
The Historical AI Engine is an optional module in KYC Portal that stores and audits all historical actions within the system at application, entity and field level. A tool that is able to track the entire history of an application's lifetime including the actions that the teams are taking on the application based on risk. This enables KYCP to adopt intelligence on such decisions that were taken in the past to present information which is invaluable when it comes to understanding the way internal processes can be improved and how much due diligence is costing the organisation.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
One of the most time-consuming elements in due diligence processes is the research that the compliance teams must conduct in order to build the key principles and related entities behind a corporate structure. A never-ending task that requires a lot of manual input and checking - checking that is often conducted across multiple sources to ensure that the data that is being input into KYC Portal is as correct as possible.
Monday, May 9, 2022
KYC Portal has various customer outreach modules which allows the organization to send links to their clients to fill in forms, upload documents, conduct face-to-face meetings and fill in any KYC questionnaires that are required, as part of the onboarding process. There is also our Customer Outreach Tool (COT) where organisations can give access to their corporate clients to manage their applications in their entirety.
Monday, March 28, 2022
Identifying your biggest compliance challenges is the first step toward overcoming them, and meeting compliance deadlines is one of them. The best way to avoid this problem is to make sure that compliance tasks don’t get overlooked in the first place. As with most things, that’s easier said than done — but with KYCP’s new DEADLINE module, you can guarantee that critical deadlines don’t slip through the cracks by ensuring an application moves from one status to another in a timely manner.
Monday, March 28, 2022
You never get a second chance to make a great first impression and since onboarding a new client is the first main contact between your company and your new client, the experience should ideally be neither confusing nor frustrating. The onboarding experience is often viewed as the foundation for what dealing with your company will be like, so having a trustworthy and streamlined onboarding system should be any organisations top priority. It doesn't matter whether you're an accounting practice, business consultant, wealth management firm, or any other client-focused business—your onboarding process is incredibly important.
Friday, March 25, 2022
KYC Portal allows customers to integrate with third parties that provide the required data for monitoring subjects in Sanction lists, political exposure (PEPs) and Adverse Media. This seamless integration allows users of KYC Portal to be alerted when new matches are found across their database, review the matches and also take decisions on each match. Such decisions can then be used to automatically drive workflow, fill fields and update risk.
Friday, March 25, 2022
As part of the integration process of KYC Portal with third parties offering screening service data, KYCP currently allows users to see the overall status of each entity (individual or legal). This is an overview of the screening-related data for the entities.
Monday, October 11, 2021
A solution similar to KYC Portal holds and processes some of the most sensitive and critical data on your subjects. These could be anything from suppliers, customers and key business relationships ultimately all controlled by beneficials and shareholders. The level of data that you store in KYC Portal to ensure your business is safe guarded from risk is paramount to the success of good due diligence. This is the reason why we at KYC Portal focus a lot on security and ensuring data integrity.
Monday, July 5, 2021
Financial institutions are helping us reshape the approach to compliance processes by adopting as much technology and automation as they can into their business model. A great example for this is ARIE Finance . Here is a case study on how they are using KYC Portal to “accelerate the on-boarding process for our corporate clients, while complying with the highest standards of regulatory requirements around the world.” – Aisha Sudally, Managing Director.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
A programme in KYCP consists of a number of applications that are governed by the same policy or due diligence process. The configuration of a programme in KYCP allows you to define and maintain the entire process of such applications. This includes anything from the definition of key principles (such as Director Natural Person, UBO, Company, etc.), the fields for each of these key principles, checklists, the risk matrix for such fields and entities, document requirements, questionnaires, rules and also the statuses of the lifecycle that such applications will go through.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
KYC Portal's embedded e-mail function gives you direct communication with your client, during the on-boarding process, reducing the manual effort of collating all the necessary information.
Friday, February 5, 2021
The CM module is a new plug-in, an optional module within KYC Portal which was created following many clients requesting to be able to use KYCP to store ancillary data related to their clients, data that is usually accessed by different teams within their organisation, data that is not related to KYC.
Monday, January 11, 2021
KYC Portal now allows you to define document templates with merged fields in KYCP for automatic population of data in documents and forms. This reduces the hassle of having to populate fields in documents manually and also ensuring that when subjects download the documents via the link sent to them or via the Customer Outreach Tool all the available data is automatically populated.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
We all know that one of the biggest headaches in your compliance department, is keeping up to date with all the regulation changes, market policies, market happenings and much more, making it impossible for a company to understand its position in relation to overall compliance. The most effective way for an organisation to get a clear understanding of its compliance efforts is through regular, in-depth real-time operational compliance reporting.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Any compliance officer will tell you that financial safety is the first benefit associated with regulatory compliance. Compliance officers are requested to issue reports to ensure they’re complying with the industry standards, laws, rules, and regulations set by government agencies and regulatory bodies, no matter the industry or company size. It touches every industry and has become a vital part of operations.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
The effective management of data within any organization has grown in importance in recent years as organizations are subject to an increasing number of compliance regulations, large increases in information storage capacity, and the sheer amount of data and documents being generated by organisations. This rate of growth is not expected to slow down.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Customers are at the centre of any business, yet very few firms truly understand who their customers are. It is known that one of the biggest challenges in this industry is the ability to identify the uniqueness of human beings, therefore having the lack of a Single Customer View (SCV) within your database. Without a SCV and real-time insights, organisations struggle to deliver the quality experiences that customers are looking for today.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The task of checking whether a subject has any potential matches on PEP lists, Sanction lists or any related Adverse Media is such a tiny step in the whole process of due diligence, yet it is one of the most costly and time-consuming steps!
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
It is in unprecedented times like these that technology becomes crucial for the on-going business of due diligence and risk-related industries. With most of the global population being advised to stay indoors and non-essential services being forced to close their doors, the only way to win customers is online! This is easy for the retail store around the corner however a huge challenge for those organisations who are still obliged to risk assess their customers and adhere to AML and regulatory processes.
Friday, March 20, 2020
The challenges that gaming operators face in keeping up with regulatory obligations are enormous! An industry that is so fast paced with constantly evolving regulatory and responsible gaming requirements, with such a large volume of players across brands and most of all dealing with a customer that (in most cases) is intent to deceive! No wonder all the fines, irrespective of how hard operators try to keep up in such a cutthroat market. This is how the power of KYC Portal helps.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Documents are a crucial part of any KYC process and due diligence process. Whether you are onboarding an individual or a corporate relationship, documents come in various forms and manners also based on various requirements that evolve over time.
Friday, March 6, 2020
The reporting dashboard presents a sub-set of data sitting within your KYC Portal in a real-time view. A snapshot based on your current data showcasing some of the most important elements of risk and workload.
Monday, August 26, 2019
It has become a common occurrence that a subject (be it a legal entity or a human being) is involved in multiple aspects within an organisation. An entity which is being serviced for different products or services would usually lead to multiple records of the subject and also multiple KYC processes leading to inefficiencies and also increased risk. KYC Portal allows you to benefit of such occurrences to improve efficiencies and reduce risk exposure.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Many perceive the risk-based approach as a pure cost. Something that we all have to live with due to regulators asking for it. A cost that keeps increasing whenever we have more clients, a never ending process that is a must.
Friday, May 3, 2019
Corporate due diligence is often linked to regulatory requirements, however the most rigorous due diligence processes when it comes to B2B relationships are driven by internal policy and brand reputation. A process that is so thorough, that it often results in lengthy processes which are very costly and time consuming. This use case shows how a major operator within the business streamlined the entire process for the on-boarding of affiliates, operators, white labels and suppliers.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Based on statistics, between 60% and 70% of the entire retail customer base that a bank onboards is low risk. Yet, the operational onboarding processes of KYC and due diligence teams are almost the same on all customers, irrespective of risk. This bank managed to automate the 60% and allow the teams to focus on the 40% only, leading to increased efficiencies across the board.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The reliance on email communication with subjects throughout on-boarding and ongoing aspects of KYC and due diligence is a nightmare. Chasing subjects on missing information, receiving data and documents as attachments to emails and many other tasks lead to various concerns. From the security of attachments in emails, misplaced documents, auditing all communication and also concerns of GDPR. The embedded CHAT module within KYCP removes the dependence on email in its entirety.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Such a simple chart yet one of the most time-consuming tasks for compliance teams, that of constantly having a clear picture of the corporate structures at hand and the way it changed over time. Here is the automated module of KYC Portal that generates the company structure chart within a matter of seconds.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
One of the most challenging aspects in adopting (or changing) systems within internal KYC processes is when such systems imply change in internal processes. Organisations would have to change their internal flow of work in order to adapt to the limitations of the system being imposed on them. KYC Portal has been designed by such teams to allow the organisation to tweak the solution rather than their processes.
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Organisations who focus on improving their on-boarding processes often make the mistake of seeing this part of the process as a separate tool from their entire operation – an APP or some other third-party solution that digitises the steps of on-boarding a subject. This step is so ingrained in the organisation’s process, policy and entire business process that such detached systems cause more headaches than benefit.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
One of the biggest challenges within the KYC process is the ongoing relationship with corporate subjects. A challenge that banks face on a daily basis when reviewing corporate clients and ensuring that all the data is constantly up to date. KYC Portal has been chosen by an International Bank to be able to address this issue specifically.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
The ongoing obligation of KYC and due diligence is one of the most expensive parts of the overall process of knowing your client, customer or any other B2B relationship such as suppliers and operators. Streamlining this process leads to increased efficiencies across the entire operational aspect of KYC and due diligence leading to improved efficiencies all throughout.
Monday, March 11, 2019
One of the biggest challenges for organisations within the compliance industry is the constantly changing perceptions of risk. Risk changes based on regulation requirements, market happenings and changes within the internal policies of organisations. How can one keep up with such changes when you are offering various services to numerous subjects in real time?
Monday, March 11, 2019
One of the biggest challenges for compliance teams in this market is the ever changing and constantly updated regulatory framework – leading to disparate processes and data in various systems. We addressed this solution through the use of a fully dynamic module whereby compliance can directly create and manage all the entities and the respective information that you as a company collect on the respective subject.
Monday, March 11, 2019
What makes us different is the fact that we have built a system from scratch specifically based on the requirements of compliance function across various industries. This opposed to the other systems on the market, which were built to do another function (such as a CRM or core ERP systems) and were slightly adapted for the requirements of compliance teams.
Monday, March 4, 2019
KYC Portal is not another data provider. KYC Portal is the most complete end-to-end KYC and due diligence solution on the market. KYC Portal focuses on automating the operational aspect of compliance and due diligence, both from and on-boarding perspective as well as the on-going concern. What is usually done manually by teams of staff in order to constantly ensure that all is in place is done by KYC Portal in real time.
Monday, March 4, 2019
All organisations who on-board customers are exposed to risk. Whether you are operating in a regulated market or not, organisations nowadays are constantly trying to minimise their risk when on-boarding customers be it individuals, suppliers, operators, affiliates or any other business relationship.
Monday, March 4, 2019
A system that allows the compliance teams to be able to dictate and dynamically tweak the entire regulatory framework not only at company level but also at service level.