
Dynamic Meta Data on Documents

November 10, 2023

The documents panel in KYCP allows users to add documents and link them to entities. The document management module allows you to upload various types of documents including PDF, Office documents, emails and images. This module is used to upload all sorts of documents related to a subject, be it for natural persons as well as legal entities.

One of the most important elements on any type of document uploaded in KYCP is the business requirement as to why that document is asked for in the first place. Each document is collated for a reason, and usually such reason is in the form of specific data elements that the users would need to store or note on such document. This could be anything from the data extracted from within a proof of ID document to specific dates from within the M&As of a legal entity.
This new feature adds the ability to dynamically create and manage meta data / fields against any type of document that is being uploaded in KYCP. Irrespective of the type of document being uploaded the system will allow you to define such fields and also link them to existing keynames within the application for automatic population. There is no limit as to how many fields you can add. 
Once added, the solution will allow the user to manually populate these fields whenever uploading or editing a previously uploaded document.
KYC Portal CLM - GRC automation 
In the above image the user can see the fields that have been allocated to this specific document type. It allows the user to update these values from within this document panel, automatically populating the keynames within the application of the respective linked entity.
This feature adds  a lot of benefit when it comes to storing data from documents being uploaded and having an audit of such data when users upload documents. The benefit of having such data even impact the actual application helps in identifying risks earlier.
For more information, contact us directly on or schedule your live demo with us today. If you are an existing client and you would like more information about this feature, please contact our CRM Team.
Targeted For Document meta data
Status LIVE
Keywords document information, dynamic fields
Direct Benefits Ability to store dynamic meta data against any type of document