This new feature relates to the access that is given to a user to such applications across the solution. Based on the right given to users, such users can either:
- not see an application at all as they do not have permission to access the respective application
- be able to view only applications
- be able to view and edit applications and all their contents
Based on the above, when users have the right to EDIT an application, they are given the right to be able to change any of the field values relating to the entities within the application.
The new feature that has been launched allows you to set further granular restrictions at field level. This means that you can assign specific fields in an application to be only edited by specific named users, teams or roles (all of which are configurable within KYCP). When configuring fields, the administrator can now set this within the EDIT field panel.

This new feature provides added flexibility in order to decide which critical fields can be edited by whom at which part of the workflow. This came as a request from various clients who wish to audit certain values being updated by the right ROLE within the organisation and ensuring that there is no overlap from other unauthorised users.
For more information, contact us directly on or schedule your live demo with us today. If you are an existing client and you would like more information about this feature, please contact our CRM Team.